My story

On the fist day of ninth grade i started dating a guy, who was wonderful! We definitely loved each other! But then he started to become depressed.But in May he decided to end his life. He texted me at school and told me he was thinking about it. I begged him not to. I called him and we talked and he seemed okay he told me that he loved me and that he would try not to go. As soon as we got off the phone I texted his mom and told her to go find him. She didn’t answer me. So I texted his sister and she called his mom. They loaded up the car and headed to his dads. they thought they could save him but it was too late.

His mom told me that as she approached his car she couldn’t see him, he was kind of hunched over. she thought he had overdosed on pills. She opened the door and saw a gun in his lap and blood everywhere and realized she was wrong. he had shot himself. she pulled him out of the car and tried to save him.

She was about 10 minutes too late. They called 911 and he was pronounced dead at 1:12 pm.

His story needs to be shared. It needs to be out there for the world to know. I need to use this tragic event to help others! So please if you need help contact me or leave a comment. if you know someone who needs helps please call their parents or someone who lives with them or you can also contact me. If you are a survivor of suicide please fill free to share your story as well.

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